



Two students and a dog pictured in front of the Student Union in the fall of 1976. 我们分享了这张两个学生和一只狗的照片 2023年秋季刊. Here is what alumni sent us about these playful friends.

这只狗出现在秋季杂志上 是金伯利·桑德斯·佩伦74年的老板. Dune是我所知道的最可爱的狗之一. 哈里森街416号的人都很喜欢他. Dune和他的同伴, 赛丝, produced a litter of pups: Bruiser went to Chuck Wallace’73 and Marcy Rhodes Wallace’73; Chiadee and Reggae went to Gordy Miller’74: Jack went to Peter Perron’74; Saladin went to Steven Ching’73; and Lisl went to Pat and 格雷格·威尔逊73年.


The guy sitting in the leaves with the dog is Charles “Chip” Lesher’77, geology major. Last I heard, he was at the University of California, Davis.


这是多么令人惊讶的过去啊! 真有趣,马克,你在照片里认出了我. 那些日子……年轻而无忧无虑. 从贝洛伊特大学毕业后, I spent time in Maine followed by graduate work at Harvard in geoscience. I spent 31 years on the faculty at University of California, Davis and Aarhus University. 退休后回到缅因州.



Cover of the 2023年秋季 伯洛伊特学院杂志 featuring 十大菠菜台子's 12th president, 博因顿埃里克. 我对你的 秋季版,特别是 Anastasia Voronovsky谈俄乌战争苏珊·卡斯滕(Susan Kasten) 新总统和他在克拉科夫的研讨会. 作为一个 历史专业的学生 在伯洛伊特,我对俄罗斯和中欧很感兴趣, 并受到三位英语教授的启发:(John S.弗雷德里克·R·厄尔斯.)怀特和(查德)沃尔什.

After graduating in 1951, I studied 俄罗斯n at the Army Language School in Monterey, California. 虽然俄国人认为那是间谍学校, I managed to sneak into 俄罗斯 during its post-Stalin thaw on two teacher exchanges, one at Moscow State University and another teaching English in high schools in Moscow and Leningrad. 后来我们一家人在俄罗斯露营. My wife and I also spent two years with the Peace Corps in Czechoslovakia and two on a Fulbright fellowship in Kyrgyzstan. Here’s hoping there will be a post-Putin thaw where Anastasia, 俄罗斯, and the United States can once again foster peaceful relations and hospitable exchanges with each other.

D. 斯坦利·摩尔的51


The main page of the 不归路 story from the 2023年春季 issue.

我非常喜欢 秋天的问题. The magazine continues to get better, as does the college. The continual refinement serves not only to guarantee its students a better education, but also appreciates the reputation of our beloved institution and increases the value of past diplomas awarded. 这是一种我们校友都会为之鼓掌的通胀. 我特别感激 阿纳斯塔西娅·沃罗诺夫斯基(Anastasia Voronovsky)的故事, who has gone through so much personally and done so much in protesting publicly against Putin’s war against Ukraine.

I salute her and the many brave 俄罗斯n citizens speaking out against this war. I wish the standard bearers of our extant but struggling democracy would come out bravely against the anti-democracy movement. I can only imagine that Voronovsky might wonder why Americans are not out in the street protesting against pro-Putin, 反民主候选人唐纳德·特朗普. Keep up the fine work in improving the college with commitment and high purpose, as did Jim Zwerg’62 when he joined freedom riders in the South in support of the civil rights movement, and as did the 十大菠菜台子 faculty who passed a resolution in recognition of his courage and the violence he suffered for taking a stand.

弗兰克·K. 米切尔61


Taja赫里福德的15 这让人耳目一新 the multiple jobs 贝洛伊特 alumni hold in the medical field. I started out with an interest in archaeology and thought I would do that for the rest of my life … and now I’m the quality improvement manager at a clinic that serves people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. The 贝洛伊特 experience prepares you for the world and your life path, wherever it goes.

艾米丽Hildebrant 04年


恭喜你们 杂志的最后一期. As is obvious from my graduation date, I have read the magazine for many years. I really appreciate the emphasis on interaction between the college and the 贝洛伊特 community, 尤其是非裔美国人社区. And I value the inclusion of so much information on current students and their successes. 再接再厉.



我喜欢 《真人国际菠菜》2023年秋季版,特别是 对博因顿总统的介绍,还有故事 “超越奶牛、小屋和奶酪火锅.”

Costumed Chlaüse ring large bells and sing a slow yodel to bring in the new year. Treicheln, a version of the Silvesterchlausen, exists elsewhere in Switzerland. 我在哈斯利贝格的伯纳高地看到过. 农民的方阵, maybe 3 across and 10 deep each with a cowbell held in front of him, shuffles along in a rhythmic march as the bells shift from thigh to thigh, 制造震耳欲聋的雷声. 他们不打扮. 我想他们经常喝醉了. I have seen it at New Year’s and when a local gets married and they march around his house to ward off any evil spirits.

马克Morrison-Reed 72


一些关于 秋天的问题在故事中 博因顿总统 苏珊·卡斯滕著, there is mention that he has a home on the Rock River in Edgerton, which happens to be my hometown and where I still own my family’s historic 1885 National Trust Register cream-brick tobacco warehouse, the oldest building of its type in the state of Wisconsin. And someone spoofed me in 秋天的问题 Class News — I’m actually spending my time on historic preservation in Arlington, 维吉尼亚州.



Have you recently published a book, recorded music, or made a film? We’re looking for books, music, and films by 贝洛伊特 alumni to feature in future issues. 将详情发送至 belmag@dh865.com. 将复核副本邮寄至 伯洛伊特学院杂志学院街700号.威斯康辛州伯洛伊特53511.

Tell us what you think about anything you’ve read in this issue by contacting belmag@dh865.com. (We reserve the right to edit letters for length and clarity.)


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